In Genesis 1, we have the foundation for what is often called the biblical worldview. It gives us a picture of reality. The mater of fact way it shows reality stands diametrically opposed to various human philosophies. In regard to these popular human theories the believer takes his stand not on the shifting sand of human opinion but on the bedrock of the Bible.
1. In Opposition to Atheism "In the beginning God"
2. In Opposition to Polytheism "In the beginning God"
3. In Opposition to Pantheism "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The separateness of God and matter.
4. In Opposition to Materialism "Let us make man in our image" Man is like God, possessed of a spiritual nature.
5. In Opposition to Evolution "After his kind" The expression occurs twelve times. It locks each "kind" into its own category.
6. In Opposition to Naturalism "In the beginning God created" Matter is not eternal, nor is man a machine.
7. In Opposition to Nihilism "And God created... and God said... and God blessed" Man is more than a machine, determined or capricious, operating in a meaningless closed system.
8. In Opposition to Existentialism "And God said" (ten times), "and God saw" (seven times), "the evening and the morning were" (six times). "And it was so" (1:30). There is a historical basis for faith. The Bible does deal with concrete facts.
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