I. Two Bad mindsets
1. the Tourest mindset: doing but disengaged
a. Only around for the entertanment
2. the spectator mindset: not doing but engaged
b. Only around for the information
II. Two Biblical Descriptions for a Christain
1. Discipler
a. A Disciple can't be tourest
b. Disiple in greek means Learner
c. one enageged in process of learning
2. Pilgram - spending life going someplace
a. A Pilgram can never be spectatator.
b. Pilgram implys the person is in action.
c. A Pilgram is a Follower not a Fan.
III. Every pilgram had...
1. Path: the path is distict.
a. It bares the shape of the life jesus taught and lived
b. A life shaped by service, death and reserection.
2. Place: the Distination is God
3. Process: The art of living out the gospel
IV. Every disciple must learn...
Three types of ethical knowlage
1. Knowlage of God's character
a. Normative perspective - The foundational values they have made their life goal.
2. Knowlage of an ethical life
a. Sicuational perpsective - The shape of the life jesus taught
3. How-to-knowlage of the gosepl living.
a. The existencal perpective - the reality of the gospel in human life.
b. How the gospel is the process by which we live ethical lives?
c. How the gsopel enabling us to handle failure and cultivate virtue.
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